Sunday, September 27, 2009

48 Laws of Power

Excerpts from the book 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene:

Law 1

Never Outshine the Master

Always make those above you feel comfortably superior. In your desire to please or impress them, do not go too far in displaying your talents or you might accomplish the opposite – inspire fear and insecurity. Make your masters appear more brilliant than they are and you will attain the heights of power.

Law 2

Never put too Much Trust in Friends, Learn how to use Enemies

Be wary of friends-they will betray you more quickly, for they are easily aroused to envy. They also become spoiled and tyrannical. But hire a former enemy and he will be more loyal than a friend, because he has more to prove. In fact, you have more to fear from friends than from enemies. If you have no enemies, find a way to make them.

Law 3

Conceal your Intentions

Keep people off-balance and in the dark by never revealing the purpose behind your actions. If they have no clue what you are up to, they cannot prepare a defense. Guide them far enough down the wrong path, envelope them in enough smoke, and by the time they realize your intentions, it will be too late.

Law 4

Always Say Less than Necessary

When you are trying to impress people with words, the more you say, the more common you appear, and the less in control. Even if you are saying something banal, it will seem original if you make it vague, open-ended, and sphinxlike. Powerful people impress and intimidate by saying less. The more you say, the more likely you are to say something foolish.

Law 5

So Much Depends on Reputation – Guard it with your Life

Reputation is the cornerstone of power. Through reputation alone you can intimidate and win; once you slip, however, you are vulnerable, and will be attacked on all sides. Make your reputation unassailable. Always be alert to potential attacks and thwart them before they happen. Meanwhile, learn to destroy your enemies by opening holes in their own reputations. Then stand aside and let public opinion hang them.

Law 6

Court Attention at all Cost

Everything is judged by its appearance; what is unseen counts for nothing. Never let yourself get lost in the crowd, then, or buried in oblivion. Stand out. Be conspicuous, at all cost. Make yourself a magnet of attention by appearing larger, more colorful, more mysterious, than the bland and timid masses.

Law 7

Get others to do the Work for you, but Always Take the Credit

Use the wisdom, knowledge, and legwork of other people to further your own cause. Not only will such assistance save you valuable time and energy, it will give you a godlike aura of efficiency and speed. In the end your helpers will be forgotten and you will be remembered. Never do yourself what others can do for you.

Law 8

Make other People come to you – use Bait if Necessary

When you force the other person to act, you are the one in control. It is always better to make your opponent come to you, abandoning his own plans in the process. Lure him with fabulous gains – then attack. You hold the cards.

Law 9

Win through your Actions, Never through Argument

Any momentary triumph you think gained through argument is really a Pyrrhic victory: The resentment and ill will you stir up is stronger and lasts longer than any momentary change of opinion. It is much more powerful to get others to agree with you through your actions, without saying a word. Demonstrate, do not explicate.

Law 10

Infection: Avoid the Unhappy and Unlucky

You can die from someone else’s misery – emotional states are as infectious as disease. You may feel you are helping the drowning man but you are only precipitating your own disaster. The unfortunate sometimes draw misfortune on themselves; they will also draw it on you. Associate with the happy and fortunate instead.

Law 11

Learn to Keep People Dependent on You

To maintain your independence you must always be needed and wanted. The more you are relied on, the more freedom you have. Make people depend on you for their happiness and prosperity and you have nothing to fear. Never teach them enough so that they can do without you.

Law 12

Use Selective Honesty and Generosity to Disarm your Victim

One sincere and honest move will cover over dozens of dishonest ones. Open-hearted gestures of honesty and generosity bring down the guard of even the most suspicious people. Once your selective honesty opens a hole in their armor, you can deceive and manipulate them at will. A timely gift – a Trojan horse – will serve the same purpose.

Law 13

When Asking for Help, Appeal to People’s Self-Interest,

Never to their Mercy or Gratitude

If you need to turn to an ally for help, do not bother to remind him of your past assistance and good deeds. He will find a way to ignore you. Instead, uncover something in your request, or in your alliance with him, that will benefit him, and emphasize it out of all proportion. He will respond enthusiastically when he sees something to be gained for himself.

Law 14

Pose as a Friend, Work as a Spy

Knowing about your rival is critical. Use spies to gather valuable information that will keep you a step ahead. Better still: Play the spy yourself. In polite social encounters, learn to probe. Ask indirect questions to get people to reveal their weaknesses and intentions. There is no occasion that is not an opportunity for artful spying.

Law 15

Crush your Enemy Totally

All great leaders since Moses have known that a feared enemy must be crushed completely. (Sometimes they have learned this the hard way.) If one ember is left alight, no matter how dimly it smolders, a fire will eventually break out. More is lost through stopping halfway than through total annihilation: The enemy will recover, and will seek revenge. Crush him, not only in body but in spirit.

Law 16

Use Absence to Increase Respect and Honor

Too much circulation makes the price go down: The more you are seen and heard from, the more common you appear. If you are already established in a group, temporary withdrawal from it will make you more talked about, even more admired. You must learn when to leave. Create value through scarcity.

Law 17

Keep Others in Suspended Terror: Cultivate an Air of Unpredictability

Humans are creatures of habit with an insatiable need to see familiarity in other people’s actions. Your predictability gives them a sense of control. Turn the tables: Be deliberately unpredictable. Behavior that seems to have no consistency or purpose will keep them off-balance, and they will wear themselves out trying to explain your moves. Taken to an extreme, this strategy can intimidate and terrorize.

Law 18

Do Not Build Fortresses to Protect Yourself – Isolation is Dangerous

The world is dangerous and enemies are everywhere – everyone has to protect themselves. A fortress seems the safest. But isolation exposes you to more dangers than it protects you from – it cuts you off from valuable information, it makes you conspicuous and an easy target. Better to circulate among people find allies, mingle. You are shielded from your enemies by the crowd.

Law 19

Know Who You’re Dealing with – Do Not Offend the Wrong Person

There are many different kinds of people in the world, and you can never assume that everyone will react to your strategies in the same way. Deceive or outmaneuver some people and they will spend the rest of their lives seeking revenge. They are wolves in lambs’ clothing. Choose your victims and opponents carefully, then – never offend or deceive the wrong person.

Law 20

Do Not Commit to Anyone

It is the fool who always rushes to take sides. Do not commit to any side or cause but yourself. By maintaining your independence, you become the master of others – playing people against one another, making them pursue you.

Law 21

Play a Sucker to Catch a Sucker – Seem Dumber than your Mark

No one likes feeling stupider than the next persons. The trick, is to make your victims feel smart – and not just smart, but smarter than you are. Once convinced of this, they will never suspect that you may have ulterior motives.

Law 22

Use the Surrender Tactic: Transform Weakness into Power

When you are weaker, never fight for honor’s sake; choose surrender instead. Surrender gives you time to recover, time to torment and irritate your conqueror, time to wait for his power to wane. Do not give him the satisfaction of fighting and defeating you – surrender first. By turning the other check you infuriate and unsettle him. Make surrender a tool of power.

Law 23

Concentrate Your Forces

Conserve your forces and energies by keeping them concentrated at their strongest point. You gain more by finding a rich mine and mining it deeper, than by flitting from one shallow mine to another – intensity defeats extensity every time. When looking for sources of power to elevate you, find the one key patron, the fat cow who will give you milk for a long time to come.

Law 24

Play the Perfect Courtier

The perfect courtier thrives in a world where everything revolves around power and political dexterity. He has mastered the art of indirection; he flatters, yields to superiors, and asserts power over others in the mot oblique and graceful manner. Learn and apply the laws of courtiership and there will be no limit to how far you can rise in the court.

Law 25

Re-Create Yourself

Do not accept the roles that society foists on you. Re-create yourself by forging a new identity, one that commands attention and never bores the audience. Be the master of your own image rather than letting others define if for you. Incorporate dramatic devices into your public gestures and actions – your power will be enhanced and your character will seem larger than life.

Law 26

Keep Your Hands Clean

You must seem a paragon of civility and efficiency: Your hands are never soiled by mistakes and nasty deeds. Maintain such a spotless appearance by using others as scapegoats and cat’s-paws to disguise your involvement.

Law 27

Play on People’s Need to Believe to Create a Cultlike Following

People have an overwhelming desire to believe in something. Become the focal point of such desire by offering them a cause, a new faith to follow. Keep your words vague but full of promise; emphasize enthusiasm over rationality and clear thinking. Give your new disciples rituals to perform, ask them to make sacrifices on your behalf. In the absence of organized religion and grand causes, your new belief system will bring you untold power.

Law 28

Enter Action with Boldness

If you are unsure of a course of action, do not attempt it. Your doubts and hesitations will infect your execution. Timidity is dangerous: Better to enter with boldness. Any mistakes you commit through audacity are easily corrected with more audacity. Everyone admires the bold; no one honors the timid.

Law 29

Plan All the Way to the End

The ending is everything. Plan all the way to it, taking into account all the possible consequences, obstacles, and twists of fortune that might reverse your hard work and give the glory to others. By planning to the end you will not be overwhelmed by circumstances and you will know when to stop. Gently guide fortune and help determine the future by thinking far ahead.

Law 30

Make your Accomplishments Seem Effortless

Your actions must seem natural and executed with ease. All the toil and practice that go into them, and also all the clever tricks, must be concealed. When you act, act effortlessly, as if you could do much more. Avoid the temptation of revealing how hard you work – it only raises questions. Teach no one your tricks or they will be used against you.

Law 31

Control the Options: Get Others to Play with the Cards you Deal

The best deceptions are the ones that seem to give the other person a choice: Your victims feel they are in control, but are actually your puppets. Give people options that come out in your favor whichever one they choose. Force them to make choices between the lesser of two evils, both of which serve your purpose. Put them on the horns of a dilemma: They are gored wherever they turn.

Law 32

Play to People’s Fantasies

The truth is often avoided because it is ugly and unpleasant. Never appeal to truth and reality unless you are prepared for the anger that comes for disenchantment. Life is so harsh and distressing that people who can manufacture romance or conjure up fantasy are like oases in the desert: Everyone flocks to them. There is great power in tapping into the fantasies of the masses.

Law 33

Discover Each Man’s Thumbscrew

Everyone has a weakness, a gap in the castle wall. That weakness is usual y an insecurity, an uncontrollable emotion or need; it can also be a small secret pleasure. Either way, once found, it is a thumbscrew you can turn to your advantage.

Law 34

Be Royal in your Own Fashion: Act like a King to be treated like one

The way you carry yourself will often determine how you are treated; In the long run, appearing vulgar or common will make people disrespect you. For a king respects himself and inspires the same sentiment in others. By acting regally and confident of your powers, you make yourself seem destined to wear a crown.

Law 35

Master the Art of Timing

Never seem to be in a hurry – hurrying betrays a lack of control over yourself, and over time. Always seem patient, as if you know that everything will come to you eventually. Become a detective of the right moment; sniff out the spirit of the times, the trends that will carry you to power. Learn to stand back when the time is not yet ripe, and to strike fiercely when it has reached fruition.

Law 36

Disdain Things you cannot have: Ignoring them is the best Revenge

By acknowledging a petty problem you give it existence and credibility. The more attention you pay an enemy, the stronger you make him; and a small mistake is often made worse and more visible when you try to fix it. It is sometimes best to leave things alone. If there is something you want but cannot have, show contempt for it. The less interest you reveal, the more superior you seem.

Law 37

Create Compelling Spectacles

Striking imagery and grand symbolic gestures create the aura of power – everyone responds to them. Stage spectacles for those around you, then full of arresting visuals and radiant symbols that heighten your presence. Dazzled by appearances, no one will notice what you are really doing.

Law 38

Think as you like but Behave like others

If you make a show of going against the times, flaunting your unconventional ideas and unorthodox ways, people will think that you only want attention and that you look down upon them. They will find a way to punish you for making them feel inferior. It is far safer to blend in and nurture the common touch. Share your originality only with tolerant friends and those who are sure to appreciate your uniqueness.

Law 39

Stir up Waters to Catch Fish

Anger and emotion are strategically counterproductive. You must always stay calm and objective. But if you can make your enemies angry while staying calm yourself, you gain a decided advantage. Put your enemies off-balance: Find the chink in their vanity through which you can rattle them and you hold the strings.

Law 40

Despise the Free Lunch

What is offered for free is dangerous – it usually involves either a trick or a hidden obligation. What has worth is worth paying for. By paying your own way you stay clear of gratitude, guilt, and deceit. It is also often wise to pay the full price – there is no cutting corners with excellence. Be lavish with your money and keep it circulating, for generosity is a sign and a magnet for power.

Law 41

Avoid Stepping into a Great Man’s Shoes

What happens first always appears better and more original than what comes after. If you succeed a great man or have a famous parent, you will have to accomplish double their achievements to outshine them. Do not get lost in their shadow, or stuck in a past not of your own making: Establish your own name and identity by changing course. Slay the overbearing father, disparage his legacy, and gain power by shining in your own way.

Law 42

Strike the Shepherd and the Sheep will Scatter

Trouble can often be traced to a single strong individual – the stirrer, the arrogant underling, the poisoned of goodwill. If you allow such people room to operate, others will succumb to their influence. Do not wait for the troubles they cause to multiply, do not try to negotiate with them – they are irredeemable. Neutralize their influence by isolating or banishing them. Strike at the source of the trouble and the sheep will scatter.

Law 43

Work on the Hearts and Minds of Others

Coercion creates a reaction that will eventually work against you. You must seduce others into wanting to move in your direction. A person you have seduced becomes your loyal pawn. And the way to seduce others is to operate on their individual psychologies and weaknesses. Soften up the resistant by working on their emotions, playing on what they hold dear and what they fear. Ignore the hearts and minds of others and they will grow to hate you.

Law 44

Disarm and Infuriate with the Mirror Effect

The mirror reflects reality, but it is also the perfect tool for deception: When you mirror your enemies, doing exactly as they do, they cannot figure out your strategy. The Mirror Effect mocks and humiliates them, making them overreact. By holding up a mirror to their psyches, you seduce them with the illusion that you share their values; by holding up a mirror to their actions, you teach them a lesson. Few can resist the power of Mirror Effect.

Law 45

Preach the Need for Change, but Never Reform too much at Once

Everyone understands the need for change in the abstract, but on the day-to-day level people are creatures of habit. Too much innovation is traumatic, and will lead to revolt. If you are new to a position of power, or an outsider trying to build a power base, make a show of respecting the old way of doing things. If change is necessary, make it feel like a gentle improvement on the past.

Law 46

Never appear too Perfect

Appearing better than others is always dangerous, but most dangerous of all is to appear to have no faults or weaknesses. Envy creates silent enemies. It is smart to occasionally display defects, and admit to harmless vices, in order to deflect envy and appear more human and approachable. Only gods and the dead can seem perfect with impunity.

Law 47

Do not go Past the Mark you Aimed for; In Victory, Learn when to Stop

The moment of victory is often the moment of greatest peril. In the heat of victory, arrogance and overconfidence can push you past the goal you had aimed for, and by going too far, you make more enemies than you defeat. Do not allow success to go to your head. There is no substitute for strategy and careful planning. Set a goal, and when you reach it, stop.

Law 48

Assume Formlessness

By taking a shape, by having a visible plan, you open yourself to attack. Instead of taking a form for your enemy to grasp, keep yourself adaptable and on the move. Accept the fact that nothing is certain and no law is fixed. The best way to protect yourself is to be as fluid and formless as water; never bet on stability or lasting order. Everything changes.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


One night, as i browsed on an old magazine, i discovered some pieces inserted on it that contained lyrics or words......

Oh, i thought, my compositions from way back then!!!

I wrote these literary pieces when i lived in Lapu-lapu City in 2005....

two years before i went to college.....

these are my songs and poems.......

long-forgotten ones.......

"Lovely Girl"

I just met somebody today
A young, beautiful lady
In the corner she made her way
And I felt something nice and fancy

Lovely girl, my new found friend
You make my day inspired
I ask myself this way
Saying, will you ever be mine?

Lovely girl, as lovely as the blooming flower
As radiant as the sun
I long for your presence forever
As you shine in my heart and mind for all the time

Lovely girl, I hope that you'll like me too
That you also take me as your someone
I'll bring you pleasure and the warm friendship you deserve
Hoping also that in your heart I'll really be the "only one"

Again, I ask myself this way
Saying, will you ever be mine?

"I Still Love You"

As I look to my past
There's something I wanna change
Make that thing better
The lost love between me and you

Times have gone bad since we drifted apart
I go crazy, longing on the forgotten days
Wish you were here again on my side to mend
this broken heart
And fix our evil ways

How will I say this?
How will I?

I still love you
You're still the want I want
I hope you feel the same
'coz without you I go insane
I still love you

Night comes and I cry myself to sleep
Holding the memories I always keep
Thinking of you with me
But now I had set you free

Time heals all wounds they say
I hope that you'll again come my way
I realized the love you gave me before
Would be the one I'll want forevermore

"Girl, I have learned to love you
I'm sorry for the pain I caused
Just wanna let you know
I want to make you mine again
Let's start a new breath in our love"

Aside from these English songs, I also tried composing Filipino songs, like these:


Nung una kitang makita
Ako'y nabihag mo na
Ikaw palagi nasa isip ko
Sana'y 'di ka maglaho sa buhay ko
Buhay ko'y biglang nag-iba
Oras ay hawak nating dalawa
Araw at gabi tayo'y magkasama
Minsa'y magkasama pa sa kama
Ikaw at ako ay iisa

Ngunit bakit ika'y...

Ikaw ay sinungaling
Sinungaling ka pala
Akala ko ba'y tapat ka
Hindi ka ba nasasaktan
Lagi mo na lang ako pinaglalaruan
Ako'y tigilan mo na

Ngunit paglipas ng mga araw
Ikaw ay biglang nawala
Pag-ibig mo'y natunaw
Ako nama'y natulala
Bakit mo ako ginanito ng husto?
Sinira mo buhay ko


Sana'y 'wag ka na bumalik sa akin
Masasaktan lang tayo 'pag ating pipilitin
'wag nang ibalik ang nakaraan natin

Wala nang saysay ang ating pag-ibig
Pinagmukha mo akong tanga
Ako sayo'y napapahiya
Ngunit bakit ika'y...

chorus 'til fade

This next song is actually my very first composition. It took me many days and nights to master the lyrics and tone of this song. I dedicated this to somebody special to married.

"Ligaya" (Sa Panaginip Na Lang Ba Kita Iibigin?)

Sa aming lugar may nakilala isang babae
Ang pangalan niya'y Ligaya
O anong saya nang siya'y makilala
'Di nagtagal kami'y naging magkaibigan
O anong ligaya aking naramdaman

Ligaya, minahal kita
Hanggang kailan kita susuyuin?
Kailan kaya kita maaangkin?
Kailan kaya kita magiging akin?
Sa panaginip na lang ba kita iibigin?
Sana'y dinggin mo ang aking damdamin

Ang tamis ng aming pagsasama
Parang oras ay humihinto 'pag siya'y nakikita
Lalo na't kapiling siya, langit ang nadarama
Siguro'y mahal na kita

repeat chorus

Bridge (spoken):
Kung akala mo'y 'di kita mahal
Hanggang kailan ako maghihintay
Sana'y 'di habang buhay

repeat chorus

Binigay ko na'ng lahat sa'yo
Ngayon kailangan ko pag-ibig mo
Ako'y palaging nandito
Handang magmahal sa'yo
Sana'y paniwalaan mo...

repeat chorus


this is a very beautiful song.........

Aside from writing English and Filipino compositions, I also made a composition in my native tongue--Cebuano. This is a song about my own social consciousness, on how I saw life in this barangay somewhere in Bohol. Here, the words speak of its people's daily living and struggles for a good life. However, until this time this composition has no tone yet. It remains like a poem.


Sayo sa kaadlawon mamasol na sila sa kadagatan
Aron adunay makaon sa adlaw nga nagdagan
Sa kakabus ang katawhan nag-sagubang
Ilang kinabuhi gisugal na lang
Pagbatok sa kawad-on nga nagsamok nilang tanan

O, kanus-a pa makab-ot ang kausaban?
Ang bag-ong adlaw alang kanila
Dunggon unta ang ilang mga suliran
Aron makuha ang kaangayan
Sa mga taga-Totolan

Ang uban kanila nanimpalad sa gawas
Sa ingon sa kalisud mahaw-as
Antoson ang kamingaw ug kalayo
Maabot lamang ang pangandoy nga kinabuhing bag-o

Kon ting-usbawan makab-ot na sa tukma
Ginadamgo nga kalipay mabatyag na
Nindot ug ma-agnihon nga pahiyum
Gasa sa Labawng Makagagahum


sulti (instrumental background):

"Pinalangga kong yutang natawhan
Hinaot sa akong pagbalik
Makab-ot na nimo ang gitinguhang kausaban
Aron magmalipayon ang katawhan
Pahiran na ang luha, ipakita ang pahiyum
Kalinaw ug kalipay ipatigbabaw
Dinhi sa Totolan"

My main inspiration on writing this Cebuano piece is Rolly Wagas, and I very much admire his brand of Cebuano folk music. I was listening to his album "Bangon ug Padayon" when I thought of writing a Cebuano composition, thus this one.

all compositions above are written by:

The Lyrical Poet
I, Me and Myself
Marc Christopher M. Labastilla
Cebu City, Philippines

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Introduction to The Prize of Infatuation

"Hey man, I'm ******'s boyfriend. I know 'bout your infatuation for my girlfriend..."

This is one feature from the Daydreamer's two-part, essay-type story about his recent experience in the middle part of 2009. Summer time for him was not really that cool, as he experienced torture during his classes during that period. After his summer classes, the young man went to Manila to enjoy his much-anticipated vacation there....

On his way going there, he saw somebody...somebody who would create a stir on his mind.......

until such caused him to stumble and let his mind think on how to entice that somebody's attention....

but the girl proved elusive to him...til he got so pathetic...

and he later gave up his intention.....

Who is the Daydreamer and what did he wrote about his two-part, story-type essay? Why does he prefer flight attendants as his ideal audience? There's nothing really special or significant about it, except that the writer just wants to narrate something...his "side trip" during his ride last summer when he went to Manila.....

His quote for his own work: "Whatever is on your mind, say it without fear..."

The Daydreamer is myself....

Turning 25 this October, a college junior, and writes anything as a hobby...anything that comes out from my mind.....

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


The Prize of Infatuation

(A Two-part Story-Essay)

Part 1: My Experience and Feelings

“Mornings and Airports."

I will present here my story on an activity that I considered to be a very compelling one. This just happened recently, but in the end of its course I realized, with bitterness and frustration, that making such activity was a hopeless thing, in such a way that it partly affected some usual routines in my life. My efforts and strategies were practically useless in trying to present something to someone. It took me time to look on it.

That something is my beautiful gift of friendship, which knows no boundaries or social status like the person offering it, and the someone I tried to offer it is, whether one objects or agrees, someone I saw only once, but her face has remained in my mind until now. I just couldn't understand why do I have such intense feeling for this person. My gift of friendship for this person resulted in my intense infatuation for her, or foolish self-orchestrated desire to have her as a new hope for me. Maybe I was just carried away by her beauty, or so I think. Now, looks can really deceive.

This time I will narrate how I got carried by this person whom I only saw once but I just cannot take my thoughts of her: A flight attendant, or stewardess for females.

This is part 1 of my essay, which talks of my personal experience when I saw the flight attendant, and its after effects on me, while part 2 focuses on my self-observation and analysis on the efforts I have done just to show and give her my gift of friendship, sadly a tragedy for me in the end. Also on part 2 are my questions I want to raise for the flight attendant who outright dismissed my gift, which had me frustrated and left me a feeling of no respect for myself.

This is how it happened...

What happened on May 28, 2009?

From Cebu to Manila, once again after 12 years. This was when the Daydreamer embarked on his journey to Manila, a place he hasn't been to for a decade and 2 years. It was summer time still, out from school after a period of torture on discussions and exams. On the dawn of that date, I arrived at Mactan-Cebu International Airport with my mom, the two of us on our journey to the big city. We were waiting for PR 844 which was scheduled to fly at 6.45am.

The flight attendant. As we entered the plane, I noticed somebody in there...this somebody would strike me that much!!!Well, first impressions last. This somebody is a tall, charming flight attendant who's a noticeable figure in the airplane. For respect, I will just nickname her “Chinita”, though I very much know her name . Now back to my narration, she was the only person who struck a cord on my psychiatric thoughts, especially when I saw her radiant face and statuesque figure. I thought, while I was inside the plane, that she was performing her job gracefully and with allure (I may sound like somebody who saw a flight attendant perform his/her job for the very first time). Through this thing I saw, I was amazed by her.

While I was aboard, I have to observe proper rules when I was there, thinking that I am not at my own home, rather I'm inside a public transport, mixed with many people, and Chinita among the flight crew serving passengers. What I only did was to enjoy the view on the large window beside my seat while the plane flew, and to talk with my mom while I'm behaving properly to avoid being reprimanded by the flight crew watching the passengers. Anyway, I don't need to emphasize much how she demonstrated her work, as long as I appreciated it. In my mind, my thoughts are playing at me looks like I want to do something... I don't want to leave the airplane when we arrive in Manila without getting acquainted with this charming attendant...

I got her name. An hour later that early morning, the plane arrived in Manila, making its stop at NAIA 2. Me and my mom were the last to get out, so Chinita came to our spot to assist us. Before that, through some cleverness I did not really display, I had this quick glimpse of looking at her name plate, thus I was able to get her name, though the first name would be the one that will stick on my mind from that day I saw her. Cleverness is indeed part of being human. I excellently did this without her knowledge, or else if she noticed my moves then she would have suspected me of having a dark intention, as she did to me months later after I saw her. For the mean time, I will continue on my experience seeing her...

A short conversation of me and her...we could have known each other,almost. Now was our turn to get out of PR 844, and I was also the last to do it. Before I did that, I again showed some cleverness when I saw her standing in front of the door, by not following my mom in going out of the plane. I did that because...I wanted to see her for the last time. Gosh, my “chick boy” instinct is at it again, where my tendency of trying to know the names and whereabouts of beautiful girls is shown in a gentle manner, the usual I do when I'm at it. But some force inside of me had my tongue tied when I made a short talk with her (until now I still very much regret why it happened that way, and if I could, I would change that conversation to a special one wherein me and Chinita would have made first impressions on each other), and instead of a meaningful conversation, it turned out to be an equally petty talk, and it went:

Chinita (flight attendant; standing in front of the door): Thank you for riding...(airline company need not be mentioned)
Daydreamer (myself; looking at her nicely, feeling infatuated): Thank you...(I pause for a few moments...then...) Ahm, taga-Cebu ka, miss?
Chinita (looking at me also in a charming way) : Hindi po...Taga-Maynila po...Bakit?
(I haven't remember already what I replied to her after she answered)

I will give my analysis on this stupid conversation I made with her on Part 2.

After I went out of the plane, my mind was becoming more focused on her, especially when I later saw her going down at the arrival area carrying her large bag with wheels, along with her
colleagues, thus another safe journey has been accomplished.

Seeing her was a spice-up on my vacation to Manila. Yes it's true. I did not expect, honestly, that I would feel such intensely on that girl. I can note that she spiced-up the start of my vacation in the big city which occurred for only 3 days, but indeed, as a normal person, her presence put a lasting impression to me, and like others, this thought called infatuation would spring up from my mind. My thoughts always had her for the entire time when I was in Manila, and when I was at my father's apartment where I stayed for the whole period, immediately I opened up Friendster and searched her name, her profile being the first entry. This is where I introduced myself “informally” on her, and requesting her to be my friend. When time came that I had to return again to Cebu City, on May 31, I expected that I would have a glimpse of Chinita again at the terminal, but sadly, it did not happen anymore.

My own flight of fancy after i saw her. When I returned to my hometown, this is the time when my feeling of admiration and foolish desire (read: infatuation) for Chinita went on full blast, especially on the month of June (even til now, though I already gave up on her, but I will discuss this on the analysis portion of my writing) when it became prevalent on me. At least, classes for the incoming semester have not yet started, and I enrolled already. So I have the time and freedom to fancy my memory of her. By this time, my mind always thinks of her, my mouth mentions her name, and I even bragged about her to my friends in college, though the chosen ones only , that I talked of seeing her inside the airplane during the start of my vacation to Manila.
In short, I have daydreams of her now...
My brain only has her as the main subject, the hot topic of it, and the one longed by my heart to see and be with again.

Sent a letter and a poem on a long, pink envelope. Now that I had this intense feeling for her, I devised something that I hoped would serve as a mode of communication for both of us, as I was not fully contented with what happened when I saw her last May 28. I wanted to do a creative act, hoping that through my efforts she would recognize and give chance to my offer of friendship for her.
How? By writing a letter and a poem for her...creatively done by the Daydreamer.
First, my poem I composed for her took a few days to finish, choosing the right words and creating the art work, to fully express my appreciation for Chinita. Second, I wrote a letter, later encoded along with my poem, honestly telling her my personal experience and my appreciation and intent of friendship for her.
I put them all on a long, pink envelope, and before I sent it on June 12, Independence Day, I kissed the envelope, with the fervent hope that Chinita will reply to my letter and appreciate my poem I made just for her. My mom carried my letter, as she traveled again for Manila that day (I was left in Cebu), and gave it to another flight attendant (my mom rode the same airline, FYI), maybe much to her surprise why some passenger gives an item to her colleague, and when my mom gave it she mentioned Chinita's real name, the attendant replied, “Ah, si... sige, I will hand this over to her” (again, her name I withold, with due respect) .
But what happened to that item I sent her? Gosh, I don't need to know...I will tackle this on the analysis and observation portion.

Facebook: The final request. Aside from searching her on Friendster, I also searched her on the fast becoming popular site Facebook. I found her there, and as usual, my request, and my reminders that I am here for her, through messages.

An infatuation clouded by frustration. Why did this situation came?
It's because in the long time that I have been waiting for her reply in any of the communication I made for her, this seems to be certain, though I disregarded this: She doesn't seem to give a damn on my intent of friendship for her. Oh, if this is the case, why?
Although at first I deliberately ignored the situation, I have noticed that during that time so far, she never replied to any of the means of communication I sent to her from that moment I expressed my intent of friendship to her. Well, if what became of this, I will just discuss on Part 2.
For the meantime, more of my story to recount now...

My ridiculous message for her on Facebook, and its outcome... After many days, which turned to weeks, still on June, I felt that Chinita was not that interested in becoming friends with me. She has ignored my friend request for her on Facebook twice already. The Daydreamer, apparently disheartened by her inattention, sent a message that expressed his dismay on his crush for not paying attention to his offer of friendship, much of it already stated on my letter for her. The message read like this (though this seems so ridiculous and uncalled-for, but I sent it already):

It's time to land the plane,after a journey of infatuation...Mga pagkakataon na nakaukit lang sa hangin...Thanks for giving me a try.

Only some parts of the message are shown here, the ones I remember. I forgot the others. By the way, I sent it on June 27, late afternoon.
Seems ridiculous, doesn't it? But the Daydreamer (this is me) has explicitly stated that he wants to quit his intent of friendship for his crush, Chinita, the flight attendant.
My stupidity (yes, mea culpa) in sending that message later took a sudden stroke at me when some stranger sent out a message, and it occurred the next day. That stranger, though I read his message a few days later, claims something that really shocked me and put me in awe.
Who is he anyway? He says that he is Chinita's boyfriend.
As in, b-o-y-f-r-i-e-n-d. Oh, I will just call him Dranreb. It took time for me to deal with him.
I will reserve more of this for Part 2, on the heading argumentum ad hominem.

After exchanging messages with Dranreb, I decide to abandon my friendship for Chinita. On the late night of August 7, sensing that my lonely battle for Chinita's friendship is already on the bitter end, and that my chances are becoming dim, I gave my “sincere apology” to both of them (yes, that's it) for my constant disturbance on them, especially Chinita.

This is my experience during and after I saw that charming but unwitting flight attendant.


Note: In reading Part 2 of my Essay, i urge readers to please keep an open mind and a good judgment to fully understand what I'm presenting here. Just a friendly reminder-Author

“Lecheng pag-ibig 'to...” (from Pare Ko by Eraserheads)

Part 2: Analysis and Observation

An ice breaker before I start: I remember when I was a teenager, 10 years ago, I was so much elated by the victory gained then by Miriam Quiambao, who on the 1999 Miss Universe Pageant was proclaimed 1st Runner-up.

Well, one notch higher before the most coveted title but still she gave the Philippines a spot in that prestigious beauty contest, at least.

Her victory created a euphoric admiration on me, developing an intense infatuation at her, like the one I'm experiencing now for Chinita, the flight attendant.

I had an oppurtunity of seeing her in the flesh. One Saturday in August that year, I attended a fashion show at Waterfront Cebu City Hotel, where she was guest of honor. There I saw Ms. Quiambao in person, her tall height noticeable, and when I approached and got so close at her, I felt like I floated in the sky, with she as the rainbow on the background. Gosh, teenage infatuation sticks to your mind and it creates fantasies that obscures your mental reality.

Despite that I never got to have pictures with her as a souvenir that night, I managed to get an autograph from her, signed on the album cover of
Wolfgang's Serve in Silence (one of my favorite Pinoy rock albums of all time). That was a once in a lifetime experience that forever will be part of my history as a person who fancies on everything, including famous people.

Seeing Chinita was also a once in a lifetime moment for me, though I failed to get my most desired thing from her. Explanation on this later.

Now, did our present bet in the Miss Universe, Bianca Manalo,
made it big for this year's pageant? Did she made the same feat as Miss Quiambao did a decade ago?

Sadly, she never even made it to the top 15 semi-finalists during the contest.
Well, how dismaying.

By the way, it's noteworthy that Miss Manalo is also a flight attendant, and perhaps Chinita and her know each other, since they're both with the national flag carrier.

But I don't have intimate feelings on Ms. Manalo, honestly speaking. Only to that tall, charming attendant I call Chinita.

Now, let's start Part 2 of this essay. But I will summarize Part 1 first.

A look back
On Part 1 of my essay, I recounted my experiences when I saw and took a moment of charm on the flight attendant I call Chinita. The emotion I felt when I met her even only once had a lasting effect on my mind, to the extent that I went on an unusual infatuation towards her. At the same time, to make this feeling balanced, I made some items then I sent out for her, such as a two-page letter and a poem, along with friend requests with her on Friendster and Facebook. However, despite all efforts I exerted just to ask for her friendship, she never gave attention to my only wish, much to my dismay and frustration. Until the time came suddenly, as a result of my constant sending of messages on her at Facebook, that somebody who claims as her boyfriend took a dig at me. After realizing my efforts were all frustrated, I decided to let go of my intention of being friends with her.

Now on Part 2, I will do my best to observe and analyze, with the dissecting of facts and giving insights on every aspect of my recent exercise of trying to make friends with the girl whom I was aquainted only once last summer, on the last Thursday of May 2009. What is my motive behind of trying to get close on her, my analsyis on all the efforts I have done on the hope that she will accept my friendship, my trade of words and arguments with her boyfriend Dranreb, including my self-interpretation of his messages to me on Facebook, my saying goodbye to both of them, and even the reasons why Chinita outrightly dismissed my friendship plus the possibilities if I continue to insist of seeking it from her are all in store here in the Analysis and Observation part of my essay. I hope everything that I will present here are complete, and if possible, minimal use of offensive words. But I will write here according to the stroke of my feeling every time I enumerate my experiences, this time with explanations through analysis and observation.
The prize of infatuation I got from her was a very bitter much of it.

Now, I continue with my writing...

My impressions on her. After I saw Chinita last May, with my sudden admiration for her on my mind, when I arrived in Manila, I immediately looked for her name on Friendster (my father has his own PC at his apartment in Paranaque) and when I located her profile (it's private, so others can't fully view it), I sent her my short message, and it read as:

(Chinita's real name)
05/28/09 11:30 AM
hi.......good day......
ahm,ako po yong passenger sa (flight code) cebu-manila route early this morning......ung may suot na red cap...
at yung nag-ask sa iyo for a while b4 i left the plane...

i hope ok lang sa iyo na hinanap ko profile mo sa friendster...gusto ko makipag-friends.hope it's ok w/you......

BTW, i'm (my name) from cebu city........

thanks for your time.........

This was my first communication for her, as I start my pure and honest intention of getting to know her. My heart pumped with excitement as I located her Friendster profile and eventually introducing myself to her, this time though informally, since I did not do that when I had a short moment with her aboard the plane. This is the time I want to fully express my interest of being with her. More on this later.

Meanwhile, I will analyze first the short conversation we had.

I feel much regret why I did not have the courage to say what's really on my mind when I stood beside her before I left PR 844. Instead of a meaningful talk, since this is a way to mark a good impression to someone whom you are attracted or you want to be acquainted with, I only made myself engaged with a petty and unimportant coversation with her, only saying “thank you” on her after she greeted me with compliments on riding with them, and asking her if where is she from (See part 1). Gosh, until there only...nothing followed. Almost a first impression and even a chance of knowing each other, but I was strangely tongue-tied. This is where infatuation built up on me.

I would like, if given a chance to turn back time and return to that almost decisive moment between me and Chinita, to change that conversation into this one, a better scene (this is purely a product of my vivid imagination, being a Daydreamer myself):

Chinita: Thank you for riding...
Daydreamer: Thank you...Ahm, have you been with this airline for a long time?
Chinita: Well, not quite...i have been here since last year...
Daydreamer: Ah ok. That's good. I hope you do always have a wonderful time being an stewardess...
Chinita: Thanks for your compliments, sir.
Daydreamer: Oh! By the way, don't call me sir. Just call me (my real name). Ahm, what's your name if you don't care?
Chinita: Ha ha ha...Ok ****. I'm ******...
Daydreamer: Yup. Nice to know you, beautiful lady. From where are you?
Chinita: Just here in Manila. How 'bout you?
Daydreamer: I'm from Cebu...Hmmm, may I ask your Friendster add?
Chinita: Yes it is...
Daydreamer: Okay. Thank you.
Chinita: If you don't mind, what will you do here in Manila?
Daydreamer: I'll just have my vacation here. I haven't returned to Manila for 12 years now, and this is my first time to come back...

Until we both forget that it's time to leave the plane...because we're the only ones left...

Gosh, this scene might have been possible had I was courageous enough to tell what I thought of her...But it's way too late already...past is past.

I, being naturally a friendly and nice person especially to women (acting cute sometimes, especially in situations where I want to know someone), exercised my usual gesture of being a gentleman when I saw Chinita. But, something went wrong when I did that...I lost some words when I was beside her!!!

Now, on the real conversation we had, was that meaningful? My answer to my own query is a big NO, obviously. Why? The words I told her were all trivial, more like of curiosity than my true intention of knowing her. That moment would have been a decisive point for me to know her, my only oppurtunity that I can at least express myself to this charming, beautiful woman.

But still, I hoped for other ways that I can express myself for her.

My reason of looking her on Friendster is that I want to still introduce and make myself open to her, as my intention of making friends with her is becoming apparent on my part. When I found her profile, damn, I was not mistaken; the first profile that went out is hers truly, because I was able to remember her attributes clearly. I saw her face there—the face that got me carried by its possessor's beauty and charm, and the one that had me thinking of her for a period of time, thus, my intention. But what happened? Later I will tell...

I found in her the charm, grace, towering figure, and most noticeably, her eyes that fits my description of her: Chinita. She has a Chinese look. I guess she stands 6 foot or above 5'7 or somewhere on those, even if she doesn't wear high-heel shoes, like she did when she performed her duty aboard. I also noticed her somewhat deep voice when she talked with her colleagues, done her rounds on the airplane by calling on passengers, handing newspapers, food and drinks, and when I conversed with her shortly. When she did her duty and I saw it, I spoke to my mother: Ma, that stewardess is tall, right? She's also pretty.
Oh, I was immediately struck by her gracefulness and beauty.

Human nature, it is.

Hence the start of my journey of infatuation with that woman.

I have a guess regarding Chinita. Maybe, before she was hired by our national flag carrier (I can say that this airline company is fortunate to have employees like her who serve as flight
crew, thus more passengers will be enticed to ride with them, or so I thought.), she had some experience as a model or beauty queen. Well, if that's the case, I can see it in her appearance. But this is only a mere guess because I don't have solid knowledge of her, and I can only and always remember her as that charming stewardess. Had she accepted my friendship, by now we could have shared even the most secret of us, our love life experiences included. But the sad thing happened.

Later I will explain this.

Para sa Crush Kong Stewardess. This is Daydreamer's very own poetic take for Chinita, one result of my admiration for her. It has a simple tone but I believe it has the character of expression—an expression of my admiration on Chinita's beauty and the job she demonstrated when I saw her. I wrote the poem on the wee hours of June 7, first by writing various drafts of it, until days later I came up with its final, clean version. On June 10, I encoded the poem, adding a graphic design of a blue-uniformed flight attendant (this is a sharp contrast because her cabin uniform is colored khaki, though the female flight attendants has another uniform design, colored blue on the upper part when they don't wear the khaki color) as the backdrop of my poem. I had it laminated the next day, and sent on June 12 through my mom who at that time went to Manila.

Para sa Crush Kong Stewardess features a man's personal experience as he was embarking for his vacation, and as he rode the plane, he suddenly saw a beautiful and charming flight attendant, thus he was instantly touched by her presence. And the rest of the poem expresses how he felt when he had a first impression on that attendant, and his desire and wish to see her “crush” again, along with a sincere invoking that may she take care always when she's in flight.

Well, my own experience, obviously.

I will present a stanza from my poem, which is the most heartwarming part of it. This is Stanza 4. Here:

Lumapit ako sa kanya
At nagkatitigan kaming dalawa
Sa kilig na aking nadama
Tila natunaw ako sa labis na ligaya
nang makita ko siya...

It's heartwarming, right? If Chinita just read and understood this part, I know she will be feeling the same I felt on her (I don't have to presume, though). This stanza shows how I was so much amazed and filled with euphoric infatuation (again, this description) when I got close at her. All I felt when it happened was like I was in a blissful situation with her. And I expressed it fully on the 4th portion of the poem. But the other stanzas also stated the same thought I have for her, though Stanza 4 is the most touching of the poem.

I especially composed this poem just for Chinita, using phrases and words that suit her comprehension, preference of poetic style, and I made it to fit for her job and her personality which I saw. It's written in common Filipino, it has a simple yet heartwarming content, and in partcular the poem states its admiration for her and her job as flight attendant, or stewardess in
sexist term.

My poem, being simple in content but full of expression, serves, as my gift for her, as something that can melt her heart or warm her thoughts, and could even lighten her busy day at work. This is also how I admire someone through poetry, at least she could appreciate my unknown talent. That is why I wrote it, just for her.

But did my poem worked to entice her friendship for me? Find out later...

A two-page letter, plus a long pink envelope. Aside from Para sa Crush Kong Stewardess, I also wrote a letter for her, almost written simultaneously with the poem, where I narrated everything during that time I boarded their flight and especially when I saw her. I also included my email address and personal cellphone number on my typewritten letter, hoping much that Chinita will grant me a chance of making friends with her, despite the apparent distance.
Not to forget, I also enclosed my solo picture, taken at my bed during the night of my 22nd birthday in October 2006. This can also be seen on my Friendster profile.

I placed the letter, poem, and my solo picture on a glossy, long pink envelope wherein I also pasted the respective sender's and receiver's names written creatively, with nice introductions on each part.

Want a sample? On the receiver's name, placed at the center of the envelope, I wrote this introduction, at least to make it attractive when Chinita receives my letter:

To the flight attendant whom I'm so much impressed during our journey last May 28, 2009....

Wow, looks like the person who wrote this has a blurred mind. Doesn't he?
Or he is just carried away by his emotion...he's somewhat in love at her...

While on the sender's name, to make appear his touching thought for the one he wants to send his letter:

From the passenger who until now reminisces that flight...

These introductions on the sender and the receiver's names are truly creative touches that make the envelope attractive to one's eyes, especially if the receiver has her hand on it. But more if she reads the letter and poem, plus keep my picture.

Now, I will focus on one part of my letter. Honestly, it was a two-page letter, quite long in content. I don't have the soft copy of it anymore, after I had my USB reformatted, thus it was deleted. But here I will present some parts of it that perhaps, though I don't really know, got my crush either touched or irritated by what I wrote (this is one of the reasons I saw why Chinita disregarded me and my gift of friendship for her, among others).

Here they are (next page):

“ the same time I saw you on a corner, I immediately looked at your name plate, and through this I remembered your name...

...maybe that was caused by that something that played on my mind...and that something is probably my feeling of infatuation for you, again if you take it seriously or lightly.”

Serious notes they are, but filled with some foolishness, admittedly.

These are noticeable parts I wrote in my letter for her. I will analyze them now. Going back to my journey last summer, when I rode PR 844, I had this clever act of quickly glancing at her name plate ( I will reiterate that I didn't show it openly to her, honestly, to avoid being suspected), thus it stuck to my head until right now. I mentioned this on my letter because I want to be honest to her, so that somehow her suspicion will subside as how I got her name. But maybe when she read this part (I don't really know if she really read and not misinterpreted my letter), her suspicion on me just got worse. I hate to think of it, perhaps she was turned off.

On second thought, I emphasized the term infatuation on her, especially, going back to that flight, I instantly felt it when I saw her, until such time her face stuck on my psychological thoughts. I really infatuated myself at her, as what I have mentioned earlier and expressed many times in this essay.

Another turn-off on her part, presumably. Thus my dismal failure of not having her friendship.
But I wrote that she can take it either lightly or seriously.

This is one of the reasons why I never scored at her, much that she dismissed my offer of friendship.

Anyway, I will state this at the later part of my essay.

Locating Chinita on Facebook, her disregard on me, again, and Dranreb's sudden appearance.
I located her on Facebook on the month of June also, at the time when first semester had just started. As usual, driven by my feeling and intent of friendship for her, I asked her a friend request, same on Friendster, and waited again for her response.
Waiting again, in vain, for her response.

However, on my first try on being friends with her on Facebook, I noticed that...she rejected my request...much like on Friendster.

But I didn't lose hope. All I did was to again send a friend request on her and also, I sent her some messages regarding my change of personal cellular number, and yes, reminding her that I'm waiting for her responses and I hoped that she appreciated my simple sent-outs for her earlier.

What happened? Heavens help me, no response again!!! And it's the second time now.
This happened on June 27. Dismayed by what I noticed, and felt very much frustrated, I sent this message to her, an apparent anger because she has disregarded me quite long already, and I'm tired of waiting anymore.

“it's time to land the plane,after a journey of infatuation...Mga pagkakataon na nakaukit lang sa hangin...Thanks for giving me a try.”

From a neutral point, this message shows dismay and frustration, sent to the girl after the man noticed that she is not interested in being friends with him.

It states the man's apparent impatience on the girl who has been not responding to any of his communication for her. Thus, he sent this note.

It's also becoming obvious, on my part, that the girl whom I long for and to be a friend with is, painful to say, is not interested to know and make friendship with me.

An infatuation clouded with frustration, indeed.

After this, something unexpected came to my Facebook message inbox. It came the next day, June 28, but I read it only a few days later, on July 4. This message made me nervous and shocked by its content.

What is it anyway? This message was sent by a man. In his Facebook profile, his address is San Diego, CA.

Enough of the suspense. I already mentioned this earlier in my essay. He is no other than Dranreb, a man who claims as Chinita's boyfriend, or nobyo.

Surely, Chinita deliberately let him take a dig at me, so that he can stop me from what I am doing. This is a very unfair act for me.

His sudden appearance on my profile sent some sort of chills on my spine, to the fact that he says that he is the boyfriend of my main interest.

But so what if she has a boyfriend? There's nothing wrong in making friends even to women who are in an intimate relationship with men as long as the friendship doesn't interfere with the woman's love life.

Dranreb vs. Daydreamer: argumentum ad hominem. Exchanging messages with him on Facebook involved, maybe intentionally or unintentionally, some verbal barbs, from both my and his part. We exchanged words that were considered inappropriate and offensive. This result , instead of trying to settle properly our disagreements over Chinita, became personal attacks between the two of us.

Argumentum ad hominem. Attacking the person instead of the real issue.

But I also stressed to Dranreb my arguments and reasons. It's up to him if he believes or not.

An attack between the sovereign and the lowly subject.

I do not know if how Chinita reacted to this “duel” of two men—between her boyfriend, and someone who admires her.

Now I will present his messages he sent on my Facebook profile on June 28, July 26, and August 3, respectively, plus samples of my reply on his corresponding messages:

Dranreb's Facebook message, June 28, 2009

“Hey man, I'm ******'s boyfriend. I know 'bout your infatuation for my girlfriend, but I would appreciate it much if you could just leave her alone. Don't be offended, but she doesn't want someone messaging her and sending her things. I hope you understand that. Good day.”

He sounds like a toughie here.

This is Dranreb's first message to me, obviously Chinita asked him to strike at my profile because she got disturbed by my persistent sending of messages on her.

When I first read this message, I immediately sensed something on it, being such as our minds trick on us to think of anything, especially when we doubt on some claim. At the same time, I felt nervous, presuming that maybe he is sending me foul words, but none actually.

In my opinion, since Chinita is a beautiful and charming woman (thus she fits to be a flight attendant), some men can instantly claim or assume that they are her boyfriend. Especially she has a striking figure, many men can assume as such.

Yes, at first (and even until now, though this is gradually fading), I have doubt and suspicion that indeed he is Chinita's boyfriend. My theory is that Dranreb is not really Chinita's boyfriend but is her close friend or best friend, as this was further reinforced in my mind when he did not give just a single detail on his relationship with Chinita.
But again, this is only my theory. I really have no idea.

In the message above, he takes a “toughie” dig at me, proudly telling me that he is Chinita's boyfriend, and that he asks me to leave her alone. Another part in his message that made me want to lash back at him immediately (in a gentle manner) is “she doesn't want someone messaging her and sending her things”. When I read this, damn, I felt like heaven and earth moved upon me, pressing me very hard. My effort of sending a letter and poem for my crush instantly became wasted as he stated that.

So he wants that Chinita, his girlfriend, not being touched or befriended by other men?

He is possessive, frankly telling.

But I am very sure that Chinita has many male friends. And if she is a serious person on a relationship, she should not play with some of them, to make it real that she is a one-man woman to her boyfriend.

Given this situation, they are on a long-distance relationship, I presume, because Chinita is here in the Philippines while Dranreb is in the United States (as suggested in his address on Facebook). They communicate only by computer or even cellular phone.

That's my insight about them and their relationship.

Anyway, back to Dranreb's first message, I replied it on July 9, almost two weeks after he sent his message. In my very long message to him, entitled “So Much For One Person”, I stated my
intention of friendship to his girlfriend (with the emphasis on “infatuation” that probably got him also irked), the events that happened when I saw her, plus the things I devised as part of trying to catch her attention and friendship for me, my dismay over her passivity on my intention, and especially, I tactly expressed that “to have her as my inspiration is my personal prerogative”.

On their relationship, I asked: How many years are they as lovers and how is it going?

But Dranreb never answered this very simple question I posed to him, though this is just a check on their love life.

However, my verbal barbs with Dranreb did not end there. The second came on July 26, and this is how it happened...

It's a Sunday afternoon, and as usual, the Daydreamer was in the internet cafe for some assignment using the computer, and at the same time, searching for this beautiful poem written by my best friend in college, “Palasingsingan”. He is a gifted guitar man and poet, and I admire his work on poetry because he is creative in using words while writing poems. One of his works is “Alam Kong Hindi Ako” , and personally speaking, this struck my heart and mind because I can very much relate to its content. It's about a man's desire for the woman he loves, but due to unavoidable circumstances or pride on the woman's part, the man, yearning for the woman's love and attention brought about by her disregard for the man who sincerely love her, says the appropriate words he would say to her if they were beside each other.

The poem is an excellent art form, so to speak. I read it and was deeply touched by its thought. So without apprehension, I forwarded this poem to Chinita, again through her Facebook profile, hoping that she would still give a kind consideration on my intent of friendship for her to accept without doubt. The poem also stands as a reflection for her part.

I sent it at around 5pm.

Hours later, as swift as the guided missile flying the sky down to its specific prey, another message from Dranreb arrived at my Facebook inbox, this time he sounds like an exorcist casting away a demon he senses.

Yeah that's it, because again I sent my 5th and final message for Chinita on her profile.

That is “Alam Kong Hindi Ako”, a beautiful poem she just disregarded, like she did before to me.

He sent his message at around 8pm. And it goes:
“I thought I made it clear that u won't bother her again. Just leave her alone man. Don't u get it? She doesn't like to even be friends with u and she's already taken. And its pissing me off that u still continue bugging her when I asked u NICELY to just stop. Back off man. U already look pathetic. Stop making fool of urself. Okay? BACK OFF!!!”

If on the first message Dranreb sounded like a toughie, on the second, he sounded like an exorcist.

Apparently, he showed disgust why I still send a message to his girlfriend.
And it's his words here that made it loaded. He used the terms pathetic and fool as he took another dig at me. When I read it, of course I was offended and hurt, and if he was just in front of me then I would challenge him to a gun fight!

He takes a .45 caliber pistol while mine is a M60 machine gun.

Duh, only in my stubborn mind.

This is the moment where two minds, two individuals stranger to each other, but with same interest who obviously is the flight attendant named Chinita, exchange different arguments but focused on one woman.

Dranreb argues that Chinita doesn't want to be friends with strangers, while the Daydreamer stresses that she should hear and consider his offer of friendship for her.

Two contrasting ideas. The boyfriend said that his Chinita love does not want to be friends with me, adding that she is already taken (on an intimate relationship), while her admirer only wishes to state his honest intent of friendship for his crush. And this resulted in mere attacks on our respective personalities, thus argumentum ad hominem. Instead of giving each other's points for consideration or weighing the significance of each argument, where understanding the presented points would be an important element in trying to reach for an agreement (thus cool heads would prevail), the two of us called each other unfair or offensive phrases.

Aside from the offensive words stated earlier, Dranreb unleashed his exorcist-like command that I should “back off” from meddling with his girlfriend.

“Back off”. With this, I think Dranreb is a fanatic of Joey de Venecia. I remember before that this was the phrase used against him by Miguel Arroyo.


Yes sir. I may be pathetic and a fool. But is it my fault if I infatuated myself towards your sweetheart? You know she is charming and beautiful, and it's not only me whom she captivates with her God-given attributes.

I replied to Dranreb's message on the late night of July 31. As an educated and well-mannered Daydreamer, again I argued on my only intention that I want to know and make friends with his girlfriend. But in my second note for him I asked him another question which probably made him serious or laughing on my intention.

“Siguro kung ibang tao ayos lang sa't sa akin hindi? Dahil ba estudyante pa lang ako? I admit I have nothing to prove at her.”

Dahil ba estudyante pa lang ako?

I observed this kind of barrier on making friends with Chinita, aside from other factors. This is one probable but correct reason why she did not give me a chance to be her friend. It's because I mentioned in my letter for her I sent last June that I'm still a college student. I wrote this on the signature line of my letter:

BSEd-Communication Arts III

With this simple truth about my status I mentioned to her, maybe she disregarded my serious intent of friendship right away, if she had the heart to read my friendly letter, because I said that I'm still a college student. And in her mind, a college student trying to be friends with a professional like her would be absurd or unusual. Thus, she never took me seriously.

More on this and the other reasons why she did not accept my friendship on the later part.

Back to my second reply to Dranreb, aside from asking that question, I again asked also if how many years are they together in their relationship. But no reply even on his final message.

And to get even at him, after he called me names on his second message, I wrote this:

“Next time don't throw your tantrums at me, ok?”

Plus I also raised my doubt if why he got to know that I sent messages on his girlfriend's profile by telling him nicely that:

“Now I know..maybe it's you who opens her profile..But I don't wanna have any arguments with you sir...”

On the first part from the top, I reminded him mildly that he should not get mad at me right away just because I sent something to his girlfriend. I just want to make him understand that I'm serious and honest on making friends with Chinita. On the second part above, I showed him my suspicion that he personally opens Chinita's profile to check if I still send messages on it. He can do this, of course, because they are both sweethearts, and for sure they share their personal passwords and e-mail addressess to check and open their respective profiles.

So went my reply for Dranreb.

His last message for me was sent on August 3.

On his third message, here I started to feel something.

Actually, since we started exchanging messages, I slowly felt that I'm losing ground for Chinita.

When I read it, I began to feel that I'm losing my own battle for Chinita's friendship. And though I refuse to recognize it, I noticed that he is more consistent with his words than I do.

How should I know? I recognized by now that Dranreb is indeed Chinita's boyfriend, and he feels her thoughts and emotions as such in a way that they intimately understand each other.

Dranreb's last message for the Daydreamer is:
“Look man, I don't have anything to prove to u. And I don't even need to convince u. Our personal life is none of ur business. She doesn't wanna make friends with u, don't u get the message clear? And wag ka magfeeling pare, wala ka naman dapat patunayan sa kanya. She didn't even read ur poem. She doesn't want to know anything 'bout u...She tells me everything, and forward ur messages to me...She's scared of ur stalker-like acts. I am not arguing with u, I just want to give her her peace of mind. So will u just please leave her alone.”

Actually, he has everything to convince and prove to me that he is Chinita's boyfriend because if indeed they are in a relationship, he can share me even just a few information on their love life. It's not that I'm meddling on their personal life, I'm just asking an innocent query from him, and yet he never answered. But still, I respect him for that. He just wants me to face the hard facts from Chinita.

With this message full of the “doesn't” contraction (also noticeable on his previous messages), I sense the hurt and much insult inside me by the time I read it. Dranreb here sounds as Chinita's boyfriend, without doubt. Though he did not answer my query I asked him on my second message, he has again stressed at me (in front of my face, as if) that his girlfriend does not really want to be friends with me. This is very noticeable, as he has expressed this also on his earlier messages.

Much that his argument is already manifested, and I saw it myself. What a sad revelation.

His argument is right because during the times I regularly checked my e-mail, Facebook, and Friendster, I never saw Chinita's reply to any of my communication through these outlets. Thus, what he stated again on his final message, this time more loaded with negative and hurting words, took a damaging effect on me.

Another noticeable phrase on his three messages is leave her alone. This is his key phrase he has used on me to have me stay away from his girlfriend.
In this phrase he exercises his authority and stresses his role as Chinita's boyfriend. Despite that they are in a long-distance relationship (presumably), he wants that nobody must touch or get close to his girlfriend. Of course, that's a normal conduct to those who are in a relationship, especially if it's getting sweeter or they are about to be engaged, and no matter if they are near or far from each other.

But, questions on my mind still abound.

Questions that would need precise answers because I really have to know the reasons.

Another hurting part in Dranreb's message is that Chinita did not read my composition for her. Para sa Crush Kong Stewardess is a beautiful poem, written just especially for her. But if that's the case that she did not cared to look and read it, then what a sad thing to know such. My one effort to make friends with her by writing a poem was just for big naught, frankly speaking. Or she also just disregarded Alam Kong Hindi Ako, another poem beautifully written by my best friend Palasingsingan. These poetic pieces might have served as a reflection for her.
No due appreciation or respect from her on my written work.

Oh, I almost forgot this: my reply to his message!
I gave mine on the late night (again) of August 7, Friday. By that moment I read his final notice, I was so heartbroken and frustrated that I realized I already had a hard time making friends with Chinita, to the fact that she never replied to all my communication means. Adding to my weariness was when she let her boyfriend stop me from making friends with her, and he too urged me to leave her alone. Now, both of them—Chinita and Dranreb—spoiled my efforts for a serious and true friendship. My honest intent was sealed to dismissal and sentenced to rejection.

I felt already that hard time with Chinita, but because I was at first stubborn, I refused to give up. But this time I saw myself in a desperate position, in which no matter how I tried to entice Chinita's friendship, all my efforts never found heaven for her.

In my final message to Dranreb, obviously I felt down when I typed it, I sincerely apologized to both of them for the unexpected hassle I caused. And, though very painful for me, I told him that I decided to totally stop my intention of friendship for his girlfriend. Again, my last reply to his last message was very long.

I sincerely apologized and totally stopped my intent of friendship. That's it.

I even wished them both a more meaningful relationship, that they will love each other.

And to end my message, I inserted a quote from The Art of War, regarding desperate ground (found on The Nine Situations from the book).

By the way, Dranreb even accused me of scaring Chinita of my stalker-like acts. This made me very upset towards both of them, because it's never in my mind to create any hassle or annoyance, as my only intent was to be friends with her.

Well, every individual has distinct minds. Whatever I see as good becomes something bad or unpleasant to another. This became the scene in the entire time I observed on making friends with Chinita.

On Chinita's part, during those times I looked for her profiles on Friendster and Facebook, and almost constantly sent her messages, surely she had perceived me as a stalker, because she would wonder if why I know her name, especially we are strangers to each other. But I must say that she has only misunderstood me and my intention.

And so went our exchange of words with Dranreb.

When we started exchanging messages, he wanted me to be a loser on my game for Chinita and her friendship. I admit, he has succeeded in doing that, much that Chinita also disregarded me.

More aspects of this on the next section of my essay.

Brace yourself for the next section. I will analyze everything why Chinita never welcomed me into her life.

My soul-searching—Why did Chinita never accepted my friendship? Okay, I hope so far that you are closely following and understanding what I wrote everything from Part 1 until this section.

On my part I know it's painstaking to narrate and analyze all efforts I made, including those exchange of messages with Dranreb, but I voluntarily made this because it's my own way of soul-searching, I mean trying my best to seek the reasons why I failed to catch Chinita's friendship, including my mistakes in showing my intention.

But before I present the reasons, allow me to show first the friendship that Chinita sorely sentenced to rejection.

My gift of friendship for her.

A friendship that could be special, meaningful, and can make her happy and inspired. A single stroke of friendship that can melt or touch her thoughts. But I will clarify that since I only saw her once, although infatuation clouded my mind when I saw her, I have no intention whatever of making her as my own sweetheart.

Yes. Clarification 101.

My gift of friendship for her could either make me stupid or weird if why I presented such to her, or it could give happiness and honor to me and to the one I'm presenting it.

My only complaint is that if only Chinita had the open mind to consider and accept my gift, by now I would have experienced a joyful and beautiful kind of friendship with her, as opposed to what is the reality now. Despite the distance (though Manila and Cebu are only an hour flight away), we both could sustain our friendship through communication lines. And if ever she has plans to have a vacation here in Cebu, I will be more than happy and glamoured to serve as her “tour guide”.

But these nice things will only be until in my dreams. Unless a miracle happens.
She need not to discard my friendship just because the one presenting it is a total stranger or someone who lives in another part of the Philippines. That's why I wanted to know and acquaint myself with her.

My friendship for her is considered special, in such as she has a prestigious job for the national flag carrier, and as a passenger myself, I saw her allure and gracefulness in doing it. My friendship for her is considered meaningful because it's my very first time to present such to someone like her who is in the airlines, and despite of our distance (Chinita is in Manila; I am in Cebu), we could still nurture it by using our cellular numbers, e-mail, Facebook and Friendster. My friendship for her can make her happy and inspired because once it would be in full bloom, every good thing will follow, and it's up to us to find out what these are, had it became real.

With our friendship, both of us can share lessons, past experiences, insights on everything we think of, and yes, our views and aspirations for the future. This is just what other friends do, so why did she have to suspect and throw away my tangible gift of friendship?

And to the point that she even let her boyfriend take unfair digs at me?

What an injustice!

I will return again to that moment when Chinita let her boyfriend lash at me because of my constant messaging on her Facebook profile. When I noticed that it's her boyfriend who sent a message to me, stating that I should leave her alone and that she doesn't want someone disturbing her, I immediately sensed something unfair.

What? It's basically a simple violation of communication exchange. Instead of calling another person to do the simple replying of a message, Chinita herself should have been the one to send me a reply with regards to my communication with her. If she is not interested in my friendship, she can right away tell me that she does not want it, needless for another person to say that to me.

As an old saying goes: Get information straight from the horse's mouth. Through this manner, first-hand information can be obtained, straight from the person whom I am wanting to talk with. However, Chinita did the other way, and her words was channeled through her boyfriend. Thus the information, obviously, would be second-hand already because of the possibility that her words lack essential parts, and it will be distorted, especially if her boyfriend does not cite reasons why she said that as her reply to me.

The best example for this can be found on Dranreb's final message for me on Facebook, in which he mentioned phrases with many negative contractions:

“She doesn't wanna make friends with u”
“She doesn't want to know anything 'bout u”

Okay, I agree with her boyfriend on these statements. But my point is: What are the reasons Chinita, his girlfriend, doesn't want to be friends with me? He never gave reasons for these, since he only gave me second-hand information. And I'm sure of it.
It's disheartening for me to be given these statements but without concrete reasons to fully convince me of such.

Now, on the perennial questions that has long clogged my head: Why did Chinita never accepted my friendship?
Why? What are the possible reasons? Are these reasons significant enough to merit her rejection of my friendship?

Anyway, I will present now the probable but essential reasons why Chinita never accepted my gift of friendship. These are just possibilities but somehow may be true:

Chinita has high standards.

When I saw her aboard PR 844 last summer,she has the beauty and charm indeed. But I think since she has these, and with the big possibility that she is from a well-off family, she upholds high standards, like she prefers friends who are in her social level, and also prefers men who have good looks and physique form, are easy to get along with, have well-cultured manners, and perhaps, who can share with her insights on the future, how to handle mature and serious relationships, and other essential topics in life that she will encounter in her later years.

In my case, when we saw each other, maybe she was not attracted to me because, though I don't have to expound, I don't possess the physical traits that Chinita prefers on men. I admit that I'm not good-looking, I don't have a “hunk” figure (since I am stout, though I am tall), and yes, I am not really engaged in sports (though mountain biking is my favorite exercise or sport, I haven't done this for a long time already), since I am more into things that stretch my knowledge and mental ability.

Despite of these disadvantages, I do know how to be a gentleman to women, and if there is a chance, I grasp the moment to talk and get to know them. But I believe that one's looks or physical features are of no use if he doesn't know how to talk or use proper words and observe manners when he is with someone he admires.

Maybe when she saw me, she thought nothing of me, someone who is not significant, like other passengers whom she serve everyday, except for a few.
But again I have to state that I never did any misbehavior or spoke any offensive words on her and the flight crew when I boarded their flight last May 28. My conscience can prove that.

My mention that I have an infatuation for her.

This was one of the mistakes I saw earlier with regards to why she never gave me a chance to be her friend. In my letter, and in one of my Facebook messages for her, I deliberately mentioned the term infatuation, and that I felt this for her. By this stupidity I made, it probably and maybe exactly turned her off from me, thus she never considered me for her friendship. She has even suspected me as a stalker, which I greatly disagree.

Telling her that I had a crush on her is perhaps the greatest mistake I did when I sought her friendship. If I never mentioned it, then probably she would have given me a chance.

I'm sure it's just alright for Chinita that someone may tell her that he likes or feels a “crush” on her, but maybe she prefers this with people that she knows already for a long time. In my case, since I'm only a stranger to her, she never took my words seriously, and she thinks that I'm only making fun at her. What a hasty mistake I did.

Telling somebody you have an infatuation with must be told at a later time, especially when you get to know each other and be close friends for quite long already.

Different worlds apart.

Another compelling reason. Why I mentioned such? It's because it's very evident that me and Chinita are in very different positions in life, as such we lead different lives, reside in different cities in the Philippines, and we have different minds, yes.

First, we lead different lives. Chinita is already a college graduate and has a career with our national flag carrier (though I rarely travel with them). I am very sure that she also earns a lucrative income from her profession. And because of these, she is far no match for me who is still on college level, who is struggling for good grades and to graduate after years of studying, and who only depends on a weekly allowance of a thousand pesos, thus having Chinita as my friend would be “very expensive”.

Very expensive, I mean, in terms that she lives a lifestyle which is beyond my preference, a lifestyle which corresponds to her way of life and chosen career (I know that some flight attendants tend to be casual, easy-living and lavish when they are not onboard, although this would depend on every individual, since they are also human).

If Chinita and I were on a candlelight date, my one thousand pesos allowance would not suffice for it.

She would find it stupid if a college student tries to make friends with a career person like her.
But this is not bad because the student can learn things from people who are in the real world, and their words can serve as guidelines to students who soon will face the world they are with.

Because of this, citing her present status as a career woman, Chinita prefers to be acquainted or be friends with people like her—who earn incomes, work in various companies especially those which are famous, and wear coat-and-tie or blazer-and-skirt types. She has little regard, perhaps, for persons who only wear cheap, glossy or rough-looking college uniforms. But I hope this is not the case.

Second, we live far away from each other, thus my friendship for her would not have the utmost attention and the touch of our thoughts because obviously we are miles apart. If this is the case, our friendship would only fall to oblivion.

I live in Cebu City, and this is the place where I grew up, formed my development as a person, and saw everything that made sense to me.
On the other side, Chinita lives and is based in the premier city of the country, the place where all action is done—Manila. It is here where she saw the light, saw everything that affected or touched her life and formed her personality, where she educated herself with ideas and knowledge, and where she formed and built her career.

But despite of this difference, I believe that distance should not hinder friendships.

Chinita is a charming Tagala...Daydreamer is a Bisaya of few talents.

Third, I think that we hold different minds. Why is this so? It's because as what I said earlier, we have different social lives. She is already a professional, while I am still a college undergraduate.

Thus, we might not think of same ideas, and perhaps we view things on our own perspectives that would contradict.
She, being a professional already, tends to be mature, serious on her job, and looks to the future with certainty and assurance that she will lead a fruitful life, especially when she becomes a wife and a mother to her family. With these insights I have, I am sure.

I, still a student, have a renegade attitude, hold a rebellious mind (to the extent that we think of doing things our own way, and Chinita knows this), always depend on parents for my daily sustain, and most of all, think for the future by first finishing my studies.

What big differences these are!

But despite of the differences, we can still unite on one friendship, as long as our ideas and preferences are settled together.

Chinita doesn't want to complicate matters by having too many male friends.

Now that she's in a relationship, does Chinita need her boyfriend's consent when anybody, particularly males, tries to be friends with her?
I believe it's only on my case that she called Dranreb to stop me from making friends with her.

But how about other men? Does she consult her boyfriend? Maybe but she is just selective in making friends with other men. Because she is in a relationship, she doesn't want her sweetheart to be jealous or weary if he knows that she has many male friends.

Of course, that would make Dranreb upset on Chinita, and he would suspect that she shares intimate relations with other men.

Gosh, it would lead to their disagreement if that happens.

But I wish them a happy and meaningful relationship now and forever.

My constant sending of messages on her Facebook profile got her irked at me.

This is another fault I must admit. Yes, during those times I sought Chinita's friendship and attention, I unnecessarily sent messages on her profiles at Friendster and Facebook. As I counted them, I sent one message on her Friendster profile, while five messages on Facebook.

I have another wild guess: Probably, if I just did not bombarded her profiles with my messages, then with all probability, Chinita would have given me a chance to be her friend. My only problem during that time was I was just too stubborn and unreasonably exaggerated in trying to be friends with her.

Maybe it came to Chinita's mind that she might have also wanted to be friends with me even just through those mentioned social networking sites, and she might also have replied to my friendly letter for her, but because of my stalker-like acts, she refused outright my friendship.

By the way, Chinita's Facebook profile is already nowhere to be found. Where could it be now?

A result of my stupidity.

Now that I saw the possible reasons if why Chinita never gave me a chance to be her friend, if I held on to my quest of friendship for her, then, what would be the possible consequences?
Again, these are just possibilities:

Chinita would file charges against the Daydreamer.

This was the first idea that sprung from my mind when I felt that I was in an awkward situation with her and her boyfriend. This idea is not impossible because if it happens, Chinita has the solid evidence to show that she has a “stalker” who constantly chases her, albeit not physically, rather on the internet, one who tracked her profiles and sent unnecessary messages on them. Then with this scene, I would soon receive a document with this heading:

My real name

Possible charges she would file against me are either unjust vexation or malicious mischief. No matter if these are criminal or civil charges but the fact is these are charges, and thus if I have them, my name and personality will be tarnished unnecessarily just because of my uncalled-for acts of disturbing somebody.
This is one of the reasons I foresaw during my quest of friendship for Chinita. And I really don't want to be charged with any offenses in courts of law.

Chinita would file me explusion from my university where I am studying now.

This is related to the first possibility stated above. Along with the filing of charges against me, the second possibility is also not far, and maybe I would live the day with a notice at the main entrance of my school that says:

(My name) is expelled from this university. No further recommendations will be entertained.

The school administration will be the one responsible for this action. And thus it's because of my recklessness.

If Chinita read my letter for her, I mentioned my school where I study, at the end part of it.

Serial killers would hunt me wherever I go.

Another trick from my stupid mind. If both Chinita and Dranreb have the tendency to get back at me, they would hire somebody who has the guts and the passion (read: kursonada) to finish off a man like me who, for them without realizing my honest intent, has brought disturbance and fear on them.

But as what I explained on the earlier sections of my essay, my intent for Chinita is honest, true, honorable, and noble.

Even Dranreb, I think, if the day comes that our paths will cross, he would throw punches or even stabs at me. He will have his hands full of my blood if he wants. Thus, I'm good as dead.

A hasty conclusion. Now, on the conclusion of my analysis and observation, generally speaking, from the start that I requested friend requests on her respective profiles, and sending out a friendly letter, until the ultimate thing resulted in her boyfriend's digs on me, I hereby say that my efforts of friendship for Chinita was a total failure.


Failure. This is the greatest prize my infatuation for Chinita has gotten me. I waited for some time in the hope that she will give attention to my wish, but sadly to no avail. This would have been a golden moment for me—a meaningful and special friendship with my most admired flight attendant.

But what happened? Chinita only put me in hopelessness and frustrated me with my intention, much she gave me hard time in trying to be friends with her. And this made even harder with the presence of Dranreb.

They just badly misunderstood and misinterpreted all my words and expressions.

I admit, with the style I showed to Chinita, would I expect that she will treat me seriously?

I fell down from my own acts because of my recklessness and much stupidity.

I learned lessons from this experience. What are they?

First, it's very good to make an impression to somebody whom you like to be acquainted, but make it sure that it's heartwarming and that you can be able to catch the girl's attention.

Second, it's better not to say anything unnecessary to the girl you admire. Or else, you might end up being dumped.

Third, allow time that you and the girl will be close together, in terms that you understand each other, share your likes, share your personal secrets, and try to keep open minds when things get complicated.

Fourth, when the right time is in, and feelings are telling that you and the girl are ready for a higher level of relationship, say it with intimacy and seriousness.

This essay I'm doing now serves as a lesson not just on my recent try but also this serves as my own guideline on how to deal with situations like this, which is absolutely coming in later times, since I'm young and still kicking. I'll still meet another girl in the future.

An optimistic hope.

My recent failure on my endeavor of friendship has even somehow affected my routines in my daily life. How?

First, though I hate to mention this, during that time I felt the pain and anguish on Chinita's dismissal of my friendship as relayed by her boyfriend, it greatly affected my performance on my recent mid-term examinations last August. On my one subject, I got a very low score on its written test, much far from passing. And I also lost some concentration on my other subjects, though I still did my best to lessen the distraction caused by that unfortunate decision of Chinita.

Second, as in other situations that are breaking or hurting, I felt much down and frustrated on her decision. I had a hard time facing the reality which, I admit, I altered during the moment that I sought for her friendship. It seemed that I no longer had the hope to attract her friendship, as it was manifested earlier.

Third, my mind has developed this negative notion on female flight attendants, and I hope this won't be true. After all, they are just like others who hold other professions. No matter what the work or the social status is, every individual has her own preference on friends, and sadly Chinita has just done that on me.

What a judgment I made. But it's only based on my personal experience and opinion.
According to my one good friend and classmate, man's greatest enemy is reality, and to face it, you must befriend fear—the fear of embracing and accepting reality which is inevitable in our lives.

I have more questions to ask for Chinita. Well, my questions may seem already irrelevant to the fact that she already disregarded me. Anyway, even if seems irrelevant but still it's essential for me.

Can she look and consider the “ bright side” of what she and her boyfriend thinks as a “dark thing” to take- my gift of friendship?

How does she deal with persons who want to be acquainted with her?

Is she really closed to people who wants to make friends with her just because she's in a relationship?

Have she ever experienced that a passenger wanted to know her?

Will she still give me a second chance, despite of my failure and mistakes I did

For Dranreb: What in the world does he see in my offer of friendship?

Why is he too subjective at me? Can he consider my arguments, though we are strangers?

They need to have an open mind to respond to these queries I'm asking to them.

Once both of them will give replies to these queries, I will make it sure to prove that my friendship for Chinita can exist without interfering on her love life. As what I stated earlier, I don't have the intention of having her as my sweetheart but rather I just wish to have a “special” friendship with her, the one I admire much.

Despite of the outcome I faced, is hope still in sight for me?

This is another perennial question that needs a straightforward answer.

The prize of infatuation—a hasty infatuation—is failure.

And I blame nobody but myself.

“Di na ako aasa pang muli."

Marc Christopher M. Labastilla
Cebu City, Philippines